The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program reduces energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, while ensuring their health and safety. The Program supports 8,500 jobs and provides weatherization services to approximately 35,000 homes every year using DOE funds. Through the Weatherization improvements and upgrades, these households save on average $283 or more every year according to a national evaluation of the program. Since the program began in 1976, WAP has helped improve the lives of than 7 million families through weatherization services.
What is Weatherization?
The Weatherization program’s goal is to reduce our customer’s home heating costs and improve the comfort and safety of their home. When a customer’s home is weatherized, both their energy bill and fuel consumption are reduced each year for many years to come.
We weatherize both mobile homes and houses, utilizing trained, licensed and insured local construction and mechanical contractors.
Improvements to be made are determined from the energy auditors diagnostic testing of the client’s home. Items may include furnace improvements; minimize air infiltration; insulation of attic, walls, and floor; installation of bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans.
Should you be eligible and approved, the Weatherization Assistance Program is an energy efficiency program provided at no cost to you.

The Process
The first step is setting up a pre-inspection of your home. This takes about an hour to determine if your home is eligible for Weatherization. If your home passes the pre-inspection, we schedule a full energy audit. This is when the testing and paperwork is done to determine what is needed to improve your energy consumption. This step takes 3 to 4 hours.
After the audit, a contractor will be contacted and will then come perform the work needed.
When the work is complete, there will be a final inspection by our energy auditor to make sure all work is correct and complete.

- How Can I qualify? You must be eligible under federal income guidelines and apply through Energy Assistance. Priority is given to households with documented high fuel consumption and also to households with senior citizens, handicapped persons or young children.
- What are the income eligibility guidelines? If your household income meets the guidelines listed below, you may qualify for weatherization services.
- Do I have to pay back money for the weatherization work I receive? No, WAP is an energy efficiency program provided at no cost to you.
- May I apply if I am a renter? Yes, we weatherize both rental and owned homes.
Contact BI-CAP: 218-333-9839
Our weatherization staff is here to help with your questions and to set up a pre-inspection. We’re open Monday-Friday, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.